Secrets of my parents wine cellar

Wines in the wine cellar of my parents come from numerous trips in wine regions and each wine is (or was) waiting a special ocasion to open it. Let's look inside to find out some very curious and presiuos things!

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Wines of French Foreign Legion (Légion étrangère Française)

Many wine connoisseurs, having acquired basic tasting skills and knowledge, wish to try something unusual, whether it be a rare variety or a unknown region. And some are looking for special drinks with history. One example of such wines are the wines of the French Foreign Legion.

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Classifications of wines of Bordeaux

While everything is relatively clear with Burgundy and its four hierarchical levels of wine classification (see my article on Burgundy wines), the first encounter with classifications of Bordeaux wines can be quite confusing. The two parts of the Bordeaux region - the right bank and the left bank - have their own hierarchies, some of which differ in terminology and criteria, although their principle remains the same - to distinguish the best wines.

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