
Плечистик (еще известный, как Горюн, Черный винный, Летун, Рогатая кисть) – древний технический красный сорт винограда родом из Ростовской области, где он выращивается вдоль реки Дон на юго-западе России. По другой версии – Плечистик родом из Дагестана, а в Ростовскую область он был завезен из Дагестана в Средневековье. Плечистик является автохтонным российским сортом и не имеет общих корней ни с европейскими, ни с азиатскими сортами винограда.

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How to pair mushrooms and wine

Autumn is a very generous season. Since September, apples and pears starts to be harvested, nutritious vegetables like pumpkin, potatoes, or other lesser-known root vegetables appear, not to mention the grape harvest. But mushrooms deserve special attention, because it is a particular product with unique characteristics.

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Secrets of my parents wine cellar

Wines in the wine cellar of my parents come from numerous trips in wine regions and each wine is (or was) waiting a special ocasion to open it. Let's look inside to find out some very curious and presiuos things!

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Primeurs 2021 Week in Bordeaux. Grand Cercle des Vins de Bordeaux

Some of the tastings during the Primeurs Week in Bordeaux offer the opportunity to discover the wines of several appellations of the Bordeaux region and to see that the last vintage was more successful for some and more difficult for others. he Grand Cercle des Vins de Bordeaux is an association of 124 châteaux from the 26 Bordeaux appellations that produce fine wines with excellent value for money, located on the left and right banks. The core values of this dynamic association of wineries are to represent the diversity and richness of the Bordeaux vineyards and to produce wines that express the terroir of the region.

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Primeurs Week 2021 in Bordeaux: Crus Bourgeois du Médoc, tasting and my impression

In my third article on Bordeaux's Primers 2021, I publish my appreciation and impression on this vintage in Médoc. Each year, during the Primeurs week Crus Bourgeois of Médoc organise a tasting of their wines, which gives an occasion not only to have overview and the overall success of wines in Médoc of last vintage, but also to understand the specific character of each sub-region of Médoc.

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Primeurs Week 2021 in Bordeaux. Pessac-Léognan: tasting and my opinion

In the second part of the article about the Primeurs 2021 week in Bordeaux I publish my tasting notes and my impression on the young wines 2021 of Pessac-Léognan.

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Primeurs 2021 Week in Bordeaux

From 25 to 28 April 2022, for the first time since the pandemic restrictions, the Bordeaux Vintage Week - la Semaine des Primeurs - took place in its usual format - with international wine professionals and big tastings. Living in Bordeaux, I could not miss the opportunity to discover the result of work of winemakers during the difficult 2021 vintage. This article is going to focus on its characteristics, with the tasting notes, which I will gradually add in the following parts.

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Vintage 2019 in Bordeaux: characteristics and analysis

Year 2019, despite the beginning of pandemic and the following difficult sanitary context, complemented a series of very successful Bordeaux vintages (although not without difficulties for winemakers). Year 2019 combined many of the conditions of an outstanding vintage

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Pacherenc du Vic-Bilh, Appellation of Southwest France + Tasting of Domaine de Moulié

This little-known region of southwestern France, at the foothills of the Pyrenees, coincides geographically with Madiran, famous for its powerful wines. Pacherenc du Vic Bilh produces harmonious sweet wines and full-bodied and ripe dry wines with crispy acidity.

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Creating a blend – a subtle art of wine

The composition of the wine will not always include just one grape variety. In most cases, this will be a composition of two, three, four, and sometimes more Vitis Vinifera. And this applies not only to red, but also to white wines. So, what is the interest for a winemaker to complicate his life and mix different varieties, while it is more simple to produce single-varietal cuvées? Let's find out in this article.

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