A bit of theory

Если пивом крепостью 0% уже давно никого не удивишь, то безалкогольное вино можно найти на полках далеко не каждого винного бутика. В чём заключаются особенности его производства? Как отсутствие алкоголя отражается на органолептическом профиле? Не страдает ли от этого качество? Мне было интересно изучить эту относительно новую тенденцию винной индустрии, и в этой статье я поделюсь своими исследованиями.
Today, Auvergne is known more for its UNESCO-listed natural reserve, the Valley of Extinct Volcanoes, than for its wines. Once France's third-largest wine region, where the drinks were prized by kings, Auvergne now has about 400 hectares of vineyards, but thanks to the growing interest in volcanic wines, it is being revived, and its wines are attractive for their special character and individuality.

This is not yet fully understood dangerous disease of plants (in particular, vines), which is quite difficult to detect and contain. It can cause whole epidemics in the vineyards, or it can manifest itself to a greater or lesser extent from year to year. The disease is caused by microscopic organism – phytoplasma (or mycoplasma). It is somewhat similar to bacteria, but it has no cell wall. Phytoplasma can be parasitic and cause plant and even human diseases (for example, SARS). In vines, phytoplasmas cause diseases of the conductive tissue - phloem - responsible for transporting products of photosynthesis to parts of plants where this process does not occur (underground parts, flowers).

This little-known region of southwestern France, at the foothills of the Pyrenees, coincides geographically with Madiran, famous for its powerful wines. Pacherenc du Vic Bilh produces harmonious sweet wines and full-bodied and ripe dry wines with crispy acidity.

The composition of the wine will not always include just one grape variety. In most cases, this will be a composition of two, three, four, and sometimes more Vitis Vinifera. And this applies not only to red, but also to white wines. So, what is the interest for a winemaker to complicate his life and mix different varieties, while it is more simple to produce single-varietal cuvées? Let's find out in this article.

While everything is relatively clear with Burgundy and its four hierarchical levels of wine classification (see my article on Burgundy wines), the first encounter with classifications of Bordeaux wines can be quite confusing. The two parts of the Bordeaux region - the right bank and the left bank - have their own hierarchies, some of which differ in terminology and criteria, although their principle remains the same - to distinguish the best wines.

«Огненный терруар» – один из самых интригующих феноменов и популярных трендов в винной индустрии. Также данные напитки довольно редкие, а их органолептический профиль не похож ни на какой другой.
Wine maturation in the bottle is similar to the maturation of grapes on the vine: when stored correctly, the aromatic components interact harmoniously with each other and develop into interesting tertiary aromas (such as tobacco, forest floor, and dried fruits and herbs) that complement the wine's bouquet in wonderful ways.