Yerevan Wine Days and more: events of EventToura in 2023

Wine is love, drinking it is an art, and Armenia is the place where one should drink wine. The "©Yerevan Wine Days" event, which has an important place in the development of the Armenian tourism industry, will be held for the 7th time in a more extended version. The main goal of the event is the same - to promote event tourism in Armenia and to ensure the recognition and popularization of our country as one of the oldest winemaking cradles. The YereWineDays campaign will last one week, from May 29 to June 4, the festival will be held from June 2 to 4 of June, from 16:00-23:00, on the central streets of the city: Tumanyan-Saryan-Moskovyan crossroads.

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“Yerevan Wine Days” 2023

A famous name that makes us feel those vivid and unforgettable emotions we get in those 3 days. By the way, we are in a hurry to please you: in 2023 you will have a whole week to get incredible memories for life. Yes, this year our festival is going to a new level! The main festival will again last 3 days, traditionally, on the first weekend of the summer: from 2 to 4 June, in the heart of Yerevan.

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Плечистик (еще известный, как Горюн, Черный винный, Летун, Рогатая кисть) – древний технический красный сорт винограда родом из Ростовской области, где он выращивается вдоль реки Дон на юго-западе России. По другой версии – Плечистик родом из Дагестана, а в Ростовскую область он был завезен из Дагестана в Средневековье. Плечистик является автохтонным российским сортом и не имеет общих корней ни с европейскими, ни с азиатскими сортами винограда.

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How to pair mushrooms and wine

Autumn is a very generous season. Since September, apples and pears starts to be harvested, nutritious vegetables like pumpkin, potatoes, or other lesser-known root vegetables appear, not to mention the grape harvest. But mushrooms deserve special attention, because it is a particular product with unique characteristics.

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Grapevine yellows (Flavescence dorée) – a phylloxera of the 21st century?

This is not yet fully understood dangerous disease of plants (in particular, vines), which is quite difficult to detect and contain. It can cause whole epidemics in the vineyards, or it can manifest itself to a greater or lesser extent from year to year. The disease is caused by microscopic organism – phytoplasma (or mycoplasma). It is somewhat similar to bacteria, but it has no cell wall. Phytoplasma can be parasitic and cause plant and even human diseases (for example, SARS). In vines, phytoplasmas cause diseases of the conductive tissue - phloem - responsible for transporting products of photosynthesis to parts of plants where this process does not occur (underground parts, flowers).

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