Tasting of the week: Rcheuli Qvevri, Kisi Limited 2019

Tasting a Georgian amber wine from the Kisi grape variety. An excellent example of the typical profile of a wine produced by the traditional Georgian qvevri winemaking technique.

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What are celebrity wines worth: Chateau Miraval (owned by Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie)

The press often publishes articles about vineyards and wineries acquired by yet another celebrity. Château Miraval is one of the most famous of these estates. How can one evaluate the wine of the former star couple Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie?

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Tasting of the week: Effet de Fun, Héritage Volcanique Côtes d’Auvergne Rosé 2021

A refined gastronomic rosé wine made from the Gamay grape variety from the Auvergne region.

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Tasting of the week: Closerie de Chanteloup L’Essentiel 2018 Montlouis-sur-Loire

Дегустация сухого белого вина из сорта Шенан малоизвестного аппелласьона Долины Луары - Montlouis-sur-Loire (Монлуи-сюр-Луар)

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Wine or not wine? Secrets and tasting of an unusual azure-colored drink

If you haven't tried it, you've probably heard of blue "wine" - a relatively recent invention that, if it hasn't revolutionized the wine world, has certainly attracted attention. What is this drink that looks more like a curacao-based cocktail, why is it this color, and is it worth trying? The answers are in this article.

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Tasting of the week: Bovio 2006 – Barolo

This Barolo is one of the wines from my collection that requires patience, which will definitely be rewarded if you taste such beverages at the best moment, at the peak of their development. This bottle attracted my attention long time ago, but knowing the characteristics of Barolo and their potential for aging, I firmly decided to wait until it would have at least fifteen years old. It would be a shame to open such wine before it fully opens up. The reward for patience was a unique, harmonious wine with a strong structure and a complex, developed, but not faded bouquet.

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Another “blue wine”, sparkling Luc Belaire Bleu

Tasting of a blue sparkling drink based on wine (from the "blue wine" series). This time the label honestly states that it is a cocktail, not a wine.

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Tasting of the week: Abrau-Durso Brut d’Or Blanc de Blancs 2020

Абрау-Дюрсо – знаменитый российский винный бренд, известный, прежде всего, своими игристыми напитками, но выпускающий также и тихие вина. Мне всегда интересно дегустировать российские вина одного производителя и наблюдать, как они развиваются (в плане созревания в бутылке и усовершенствования применяемых технологий), а некоторые кюве я дегустирую даже каждый год. Одно из таких вин – игристое Abrau-Durso Brut d’Or Blanc de Blancs.

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Tasting of the week: Château Piron 2004 Graves Rouge

Château Piron – одно из старейших хозяйств региона, которое было основано в конце 1693. С тех пор, из поколения в поколение им владеют члены одной семьи Буаро (Boyreau). Виноградник шато включает в себя участки с красными (Каберне Совиньон, Мерло) и белыми лозами (Совиньон Блан, Семийон). Терруар – гравийные и известково-глинистые почвы и влияние речки Gât-Mort, в чьей долине находится шато. Из белых сортов выращиваются Совиньон Блан и Семийон, из красных – Мерло и Каберне Совиньон.

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