
Плечистик (еще известный, как Горюн, Черный винный, Летун, Рогатая кисть) – древний технический красный сорт винограда родом из Ростовской области, где он выращивается вдоль реки Дон на юго-западе России. По другой версии – Плечистик родом из Дагестана, а в Ростовскую область он был завезен из Дагестана в Средневековье. Плечистик является автохтонным российским сортом и не имеет общих корней ни с европейскими, ни с азиатскими сортами винограда.

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Primeurs Week 2021 in Bordeaux. Pessac-Léognan: tasting and my opinion

In the second part of the article about the Primeurs 2021 week in Bordeaux I publish my tasting notes and my impression on the young wines 2021 of Pessac-Léognan.

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Pacherenc du Vic-Bilh, Appellation of Southwest France + Tasting of Domaine de Moulié

This little-known region of southwestern France, at the foothills of the Pyrenees, coincides geographically with Madiran, famous for its powerful wines. Pacherenc du Vic Bilh produces harmonious sweet wines and full-bodied and ripe dry wines with crispy acidity.

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Petit Fomfrauge – white wine from Saint-Emilion

In this qrticle I will speak about a small family estate Château Fombrauge, which produces red wines under the appellation Saint Emilion Grand Cru and very original white wines from Chardonnay, Colombard and Roussanne instead of traditional for Bordeaux Sauvignon Blanc, Sémillion and Muscadelle.

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Wines of French Foreign Legion (Légion étrangère Française)

Many wine connoisseurs, having acquired basic tasting skills and knowledge, wish to try something unusual, whether it be a rare variety or a unknown region. And some are looking for special drinks with history. One example of such wines are the wines of the French Foreign Legion.

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